L'attacco di Pearl Harbor (nome in codice, "operazione Hawaii" o "operazione Z" fu un'operazione aeronavale che ebbe luogo il 7 dicembre 1941, quando forze aereo-navali giapponesi attaccarono la base navale statunitense di Pearl Harbor, nelle isole Hawaii. L'attacco, portato senza una preventiva dichiarazione di guerra da parte giapponese, che fu formalizzata soltanto ad attacco iniziato, causò l'intervento statunitense nella seconda guerra mondiale
On Sunday, December 7th, 1941 the Japanese launched a surprise attack against the U.S. Forces stationed at Pearl Harbor ,
Hawaii. By planning his attack on a Sunday, the Japanese commander Admiral Nagumo, hoped to catch the entire fleet in port. As luck would have it, the Aircraft Carriers and one of the Battleships were not in port. (The USS Enterprise was returning from Wake Island , where it had just delivered some aircraft. (The USS Lexington was ferrying aircraft to Midway, and the USS Saratoga and USS Colorado were undergoing repairs in the United States.)
In spite of the latest intelligence reports about the missing aircraft carriers (his most important targets), Admiral Nagumo decided to continue the attack with his force of six carriers and 423 aircraft. At a range of 230 miles north of Oahu, he launched the first wave of a two-wave attack. Beginning at 06,00 hours his first wave consisted of 183 fighters and torpedo bombers which struck at the fleet in Pearl Harbor and the airfields in Hickam, Kaneohe and Ewa. The second strike, launched at 07,15 hours, consisted of 167 aircraft, which again struck at the same targets.
At 07,53 hours the first wave consisting of 40 Nakajima B5N2 "Kate" torpedo bombers, 51 Aichi D3A1 "Val" dive bombers, 50 high altitude bombers and 43 Zeros struck airfields and Pearl Harbor. Within the next hour, the second wave arrived and continued the attack.
Photo taken by a Japanese plane during the torpedo attack on ships moored on both sides of Ford Island a few minutes after the start of the attack. The captured image becomes visible to the east of the deposit feeding, the submarine base and the fuel depot right away.
A torpedo struck the USS West Virginia has just beyond the Ford Island (center). Other battleships moored nearby are (from left): Nevada, Arizona, Tennessee (inboard of West Virginia), Oklahoma side of Maryland, and California. On the near side of Ford Island, to the left, the cruisers Raleigh and Detroit (both ousted).
A torpedo struck the USS West Virginia has just beyond the Ford Island (center). Other battleships moored nearby are (from left): Nevada, Arizona, Tennessee (inboard of West Virginia), Oklahoma side of Maryland, and California. On the near side of Ford Island, to the left, the cruisers Raleigh and Detroit (both ousted).
Foto scattata da un aereo giapponese durante l'attacco siluro sulle navi ormeggiate su entrambi i lati di Ford Island pochi minuti dopo l'inizio dell'attacco. La foto scattata verso est rende visibile il deposito di alimentazione, la base sottomarina e il deposito di carburante lontano verso destra.
Un siluro ha appena colpito USS West Virginia al di là di Ford Island (al centro). Altre navi da guerra ormeggiate nelle vicinanze si trovano (da sinistra): Nevada, Arizona, Tennessee (interno rispetto a West Virginia), Oklahoma a fianco del Maryland,e il California. Sul lato vicino di Ford Island, a sinistra, gli incrociatori Raleigh e Detroit (entrambi silurati).
ハワイ。日曜日に彼の攻撃を計画することによって、日本の司令官アドミラル南雲は、ポートの全車両をキャッチすることを望んだ。幸運なことに、空母と戦艦の一つは、ポートではなかった。 (USS Enterpriseは、それだけでいくつかの航空機を。(USSレキシントンはミッドウェーに飛行機を運んでいた、そしてUSSサラトガとUSSコロラド州は米国で修理を受けている。)納入していたウェーク島、から返されていました
欠落している航空母艦(彼の最も重要な目標)に関する最新のインテリジェンスレポートにもかかわらず、提督南雲は、6つのキャリアと423航空機の彼の力で攻撃を継続することを決定した。オアフ島の北230マイルの範囲で、彼は2つの波の攻撃の最初の波を立ち上げました。 06,00時間後に始まる彼の最初の波は、ヒッカム、カネオヘとエバに真珠湾及び飛行場に艦隊で襲った183戦闘機と雷撃機から成っていた。 07,15時間で立ち上げ二次攻撃は、、再び同じ目標で打た167航空機で構成されていました。
ハワイ。日曜日に彼の攻撃を計画することによって、日本の司令官アドミラル南雲は、ポートの全車両をキャッチすることを望んだ。幸運なことに、空母と戦艦の一つは、ポートではなかった。 (USS Enterpriseは、それだけでいくつかの航空機を。(USSレキシントンはミッドウェーに飛行機を運んでいた、そしてUSSサラトガとUSSコロラド州は米国で修理を受けている。)納入していたウェーク島、から返されていました
欠落している航空母艦(彼の最も重要な目標)に関する最新のインテリジェンスレポートにもかかわらず、提督南雲は、6つのキャリアと423航空機の彼の力で攻撃を継続することを決定した。オアフ島の北230マイルの範囲で、彼は2つの波の攻撃の最初の波を立ち上げました。 06,00時間後に始まる彼の最初の波は、ヒッカム、カネオヘとエバに真珠湾及び飛行場に艦隊で襲った183戦闘機と雷撃機から成っていた。 07,15時間で立ち上げ二次攻撃は、、再び同じ目標で打た167航空機で構成されていました。

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